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6 Steps to Decluttering Your Home

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…And just like that, in the blink of an eye, we’ve turned a corner and have come face to face with a brand new year. 2018 has arrived, and for the next 12 months, it is here to stay.

The great thing about entering a new year is that it provides a unique opportunity for us to leave the past behind, begin all over again, and joyfully live our lives with the hope and promise of a fresh start.

While this is certainly not as simple as it sounds, sometimes it can mean doing something as seemingly insignificant as de-cluttering, cleaning, and organizing our homes, particularly after all the holiday celebrations have come and gone. After all, what better time to start?

That said, here are some tips to get you started:


  1. Dont procrastinate

Ha. Sadly, many of us are excellent at coming up with a plan or even deciding to take a course of action, but actually implementing and practicing what we have in mind are another story. This year, start off on the right foot and follow through on your plan to de-clutter and organize your home sans the excuses or delays. Remember: your house isn’t going to clean itself!


  1. Clean out gift and food boxes you received during the holidays and throw them away!

Look carefully under your Christmas tree and throughout your home, and toss out any gift and food boxes that may have been left lying around. Be sure to check if they are empty before throwing them in the trash can. You could also opt to recycle them and do Mother Nature a favor in the process.


  1. "Get 1, Toss 2”

Whether your closet has been overflowing for years and is in desperate need of a clean-out, or you are merely wanting to downsize and live a minimalist life, the “Get 1, Toss 2” rule is always a good rule of thumb. How can you apply this? Easy. For every new piece of clothing you received last Christmas, toss out two old items in your closet.


  1. Donate

Sharing what we have with the less fortunate or to those in need is always a good idea, and it is definitely a fantastic way to kick off the new year. If the items you are clearing out—whether apparel or homeware—are gently used or in good condition, consider making a donation to an orphanage, home for the aged, or even to members of your household help. They will surely be grateful, and your gesture will be highly appreciated as well.


  1. Store Xmas gift cards in a box

If you were lucky enough to have received a greeting card or two for Christmas, make sure they don’t get lost in the hustle and bustle of clearing out and cleaning up your home. Make sure those priceless words and well wishes are safe and sound, and set them aside in a box for when you are in the mood to take a stroll through nostalgia lane.

Aerin Storage Box


  1. Find storage bins for your gifts

Last but not least, organize the gifts you have received into different storage bins. You can store your presents according to type, size, color, or what have you. What’s key is that you are able to achieve some semblance of order in the process!

Provence Chalkboard Basket, storage, Domesticity, storage solutions, mydomesticity.com

Provence Chalkboard Basket

We hope these tips help you start your year off right. Good luck, enjoy the process, and Happy New Year!